White Perch
Morone americana
- Distinguishing characteristics: White perch have 7 to 11 dorsal spines and they have a silvery color that can often look green or blue
In the Wild
- Habitat: White perch are capable of living in freshwater or ocean salinity but are usually found in areas under 18 ppt. They can often be found near channels.
- Diet: Adult white perch feed on crabs, fish eggs, shrimp and small fish.
- Predators: Bluefish, grey trout and striped bass.
- Size: There maximum size is about 1.5 feet but typically grow to 7-10 inches.
- Life Span: Up to 17 years.
In the Aquatics Lab
- Diet:
- Size:
- Quantity: 0
Other information
- Virginia Regulations: None.
- Commercial Uses: There is a commercial fishery for white perch in Maryland.